(608) 669-7461
Madison, Wis. USA
Hi, my name is Jill, and I am a landscape and garden coach.
What is a garden coach, you might ask?
- A garden coach is a landscape professional who can help anyone, regardless of skill level, who wants to do their own gardening and landscaping but needs a little advice.
- Using a garden coach reduces spending much money on hiring specialty landscapers to do the work that you would enjoy and could possibly be willing to do yourself.
Your Dreams to Reality
I will meet you and listen very carefully to your vision of what you would like to accomplish so I can advise you on the steps necessary to achieve your goals for your garden. We will focus on these areas and get right to it in short order! I can help you make your wishes come true. You will learn the steps needed to transform your outdoor space into an oasis with my expert guidance as your personal garden coach! Contact me now!"

A Thorough Walk-About!
This is the second thing I do while meeting with you. I will gather the facts concerning your landscape such as sun exposure, soil conditions, problem areas, etc… that are critical to succeed in whatever you would like to accomplish for your outdoor space.
Don't let your landscaping and gardening dreams fall by the wayside. Contact me today and let's make them a reality!
Let's go Native!
You can make a difference for our ecosystem right in your own yard, no matter how big or small, by planting native species. As an advocate for our earth and nature, I have a passion to share my knowledge of Natural gardening to attract, house, and feed our birds, butterflies pollinators, and more. We can make a difference for our beautiful planet and I will tell you how! Let's go wild together and help our earth! Contact me today so I can help you make a difference for our living planet!
Terrific Turfgrass!
If you want a thick emerald-green lawn you are talking to the right person! I will share my knowledge on seeding, watering schedules, fertilizing, and mowing. I will problem-solve why your grass might not be thriving. Do you want green??? I can make sure you get whatever shade you desire! Give me a call and Let's Go Green together!
PPPP- Picking Your Perfect Plant Palette
I will help you create a palette of colorful, interesting plants that appeal to your unique taste and will thrive in your garden oasis. I love to shop! Let's meet at a garden center so I help you pick out the healthiest trees, shrubs, and flowers in short order!
Don’t worry about not knowing what to plant! I have you covered! Let's get started, contact me today!
Landscape Layout
Once we choose a plant palette I can help determine where to plant, how close together, and how many you will need. I can stick in some garden stakes or draw you a garden design that is simple to follow so you know exactly where to plant. Do you know when the best time to plant???? 10 years ago! HaHa!
Let's not let another second go by! Set up a time we can meet and get those beautiful plants growing ASAP!
Finding Solutions
If you need help figuring out the kind of plants you currently have I am able to ID them. If you want to eradicate problematic weeds, fungi, and insects, I can give my opinion of if I feel it is necessary to treat them, and if so I will recommend the appropriate product. You are talking to the right garden coach! I have a lifetime of knowledge to share with you. Call me to answer any horticultural-related questions!
Garden Skills
Might you need to learn proper pruning techniques and planting methods that apply to your individual plants? Perhaps you need to know how to remove an existing plant or divide some perennials. I have a wealth of knowledge and fine-tuned skills to teach you. You don't have to recreate the wheel by spending wasted time researching how to do it. I got you! Set up a time so I can teach you the easy way hands-on!
Color Year Round? HOW?
Did you know you can start getting colorful lush gardens as early as April with bulbs such as tulips and early perennials? The next Phase is colorful summer annuals that flower till frost. When other plants disappear in comes mums, grasses, asters, and pumpkins! But wait! Add some evergreens to your porch pots and you have Christmas covered. After Christmas is over pull out the Christmas decor and you are left with an evergreen arrangement that looks great through the rest of the winter. I can help you extend your growing season to all year! Just ask me today to come up with a personalized plan for you to implement to get the most out of your garden!